
What are the critical metrics for measuring inbound marketing success?

Inbound marketing Success

Table of Content

1. What are the critical metrics for measuring inbound marketing success?

2. Why is there a requirement for tracking content marketing metrics?

3. What are the critical inbound B2B content marketing metrics to track?

4. How to improve the B2B content marketing metrics?

5. What can be attained by evaluating content marketing performance?

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What are the critical metrics for measuring inbound marketing success?

B2B content marketing is digital marketing done by business houses exclusively to other firms. The buyer is not an end consumer but another business entity.

The strategy is to produce content to create brand awareness amongst target audiences, engage them, generate leads, and be the ultimate customer. In the process, along with making way for new arrivals of consumers, we need to retain the old customers.

The most popular and common forms of content marketing in B2B channels are blogging, webcasts & podcasts, infographics, and email newsletter subscribers. In the grand scheme of things when content marketing collaborates in various formats. There is a curiosity to know what the results of the investment done by B2B sellers bring to the table. For that, content marketing metrics help analyze the investment status.

Why is there a requirement for tracking content marketing metrics?

Digital marketing enjoys, though not unilateral, needed attention from the business communities. B2B or B2C generate humongous Content on their websites. Yet, according to the ‘Content Matters 2022 report’, leading Content marketers are unaware of how their Content is performing and tracking revenue back to Content is a tough job

From the observations, if remedial measures are not taken in the long run, there are consequences to face. What happens if there is no metric to measure the progress of the content marketing campaign?

  • No control over expenditure – as we cannot track how our Content is projecting an image to the visitors. Is the target audience able to get an iota of our campaign message? The digital marketing team will be lost on whether to pursue or withdraw the campaign
  • Curtails innovation – if there is no proven record of ROI for content creation. Businesses will hesitate to invest in new mediums or platforms. This disrupts innovation and curtails the business function.
  • Incomplete buyer experience – as there is a mystery surrounding the buyer’s buying pattern. There is no visibility if the Content answers the buyer’s queries without performance metrics. The pitching takes place for the wrong set of audiences and translates into a missed opportunity.

We, the Neekan consulting agency, understand the disruption to the buyer’s experience if they are not adequately guided through their Content. Therefore, our content marketing team suggests some content marketing metrics for understanding & tracking the results.

What are the critical inbound B2B content marketing metrics to track?

Businesses take place through various sources to achieve a reasonable level of returns. Digital marketing is one source where inbound website traffic can generate profit. The buyer’s route through the website is the premise to determine the success rate. Therefore, the content marketing metrics are based on visitors for tracking, calculation, and interpretation.

Here are the most important metrics:

1. Blogs engagement:

It is a gateway allowing visitors to know about the product and its benefits. It enlarges the audience’s knowledge base and is one of the most significant assets for the website.

The popular metrics utilized for tracking are

  • The average time spent on the blog – is an indicator of whether your Content generates interest in the audiences. If more time is spent, it denotes the Content is informative and connects with them. On the contrary, if less time is spent, it means the Content is not resonating with them.
  • Audience sharing blog content – on social media sites like LinkedIn and Facebook helps to understand their tastes & preferences via comments, reactions and forward messages.
  • Outcomes – help to know the apparent intention of the visitors after spending quality time on the blog. Did they press the CTA button, move on to reading other Content on the blog or exit?

2. Lead generation:

Lead generation is the litmus test to determine if your Content is creating leads or needs improving.

The common metrics utilized for tracking lead generation are:

  • Qualified leads – is more significant to start with. This can be tracked through sales or lead generation software like HubSpot.
  • Quantity of leads – is vital, as there are likely possibilities of changing to potential customers. This can be tracked through online fill-in forms, demo sign-ups, download of material, and email registration.
  • MQL to SQL – helps to track how many marketing-qualified leads are promoted as sales-qualified leads. If the percentage is dismal, then revisiting the content quality is required.

3. Email campaign:

An email campaign through subscribers is an initial advantage to studying the value generation of Content.

The usual metrics utilized for tracking email subscribers’ actions are:

  • Open rate – of the email sent to the subscribers. If the open rate is low, try testing them with new attractive titles.
  • Click-through rate – tells us the number of people who read your Content—their sharing on social media & what types of Content get more views.
  • Unsubscribe rate – gives us a percentage of the people who left your email promotion. Before they unsubscribe, ensure to get feedback on why they are leaving. The reasons help to reword your Content.

4. SEO campaign:

Optimization of your Content at alignment with google search through SEO helps get a fair share of the audience readership.

The usual metrics utilized for tracking SEO campaigns are:

  • Search ranking – speaks about specific pages landing with keywords.
  • Backlinks – talks about the external links connected to your Content.
  • Traffic sources – talk about SEO and paid campaign traffic to help the traffic to your Content.

5. Types of conversion:

Conversions taking place during various funnel stages need to be closely observed.

The various metrics utilized for tracking conversions are:

  • Repeat audience – How often the same visitors frequent your site and their timing at various places (landing, blog) hint at whether the Content produced is making an impact.
  • Product return rate – How often is the product returned? If there is a higher return rate, it directly states that the benefits specified in the Content are inaccurate.

How to improve the B2B content marketing metrices?

Tracking metrics helps gauge how your content marketing is performing while improving your Content. If there are discrepancies between your metrics and results, conversions are not taking place as intended. Then you need to revisit and help to overhaul your content marketing metrics.

a. Make your blog SEO friendly:

Making your Content compatible with Google’s algorithm is one way of enhancing your site traffic, experience, and conversion. A mandatory SEO audit for the site helps you to improvise by adding keywords at main titles, the inclusion of external & internal links, and working towards a seamless content flow.

b. Compliment your blog with Visual Content:

A relatively higher percentage of site visitors are inclined to visual material. B2B must utilize them in many ways to engage with the audiences. They can take the shape of charts & graphs, infographics, and other pictorial forms, helping the audience’s attention span.

c. Supplement your blog with Keywords:

Despite having good reading material in the blog, there is always a possibility, yet the main queries remain unanswered. It is recommended to create a separate keyword list, frequently asked questions and places where high search volume is generated. Ideas are generated from here, and queries are answered.

d. Quality-assure your blog through content audit:

Finally, a content audit becomes the need of the hour to analyze what is working in favor of the site and why some content does not generate the response. Start from the basics, like looking at every corner of the site, from the blog content to the landing pages. Analyze them with the metrics you have formulated with the inventory content. Identify the gaps and improvise the mediocre Content. End your audit always with recommendations.

What can be attained by evaluating content marketing performance?

Evaluation is a yardstick to measure how your content marketing has performed. It is key to understanding whether the results are positive and how the strategy adopted has fared. The benefits of evaluation are cascaded below:

  • Learning about audience psyche – likes, dislikes, and behavior. Producing relatable Content becomes easier once their preference is known.
  • Re-orientation of strategy – gets simplified as we understand what Content produces results and optimize them accordingly.
  • Handsome ROI – is undoubtedly on the cards as changes in Content are driven based on the data analysis. The traffic generation in your landing pages, blog and conversion rates paints positive outcomes.

How keen and ready are you to write about your firm’s Content writing success stories? To turn those vivid dreams into plausible reality, join forces with Neekan consulting services. Our team are specialists in creating, drafting, designing, and optimizing your Content to the market specifics. Care to hear more about us? Contact us to know more.